Irina Tracy

As an astrology, tarot, and numerology expert, Irina brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the world of divination. She has developed a deep understanding of the mystical arts through years of study and practice. Irina has published several books worldwide and is excited to explore mystical topics. Read more about her
38 Articles

Mars in Aries: Traits, Career, Love & more

I've always been fascinated with astrology for a variety of reasons. This

Irina Tracy Irina Tracy

5 Sagittarius Tarot Cards & What They Mean

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, under the element of

Irina Tracy Irina Tracy

5 Scorpio Tarot Cards & What They Mean

Scorpio is one of the most complex zodiac signs. beckmann 12l beckmann

Irina Tracy Irina Tracy

5 Capricorn Tarot Cards & What They Mean

Capricorn, the Sea-Goat of the zodiac is the tenth sign in astrology,

Irina Tracy Irina Tracy

5 Libra Tarot Cards and What They Mean

Libra, the seventh zodiac sign, is assigned to people with their birthdays

Irina Tracy Irina Tracy

Midheaven in Libra: A Balanced and Harmonious Career Path

Understanding your birth chart can help you put different areas of your

Irina Tracy Irina Tracy

Midheaven in Aquarius: What Does it Mean for You?

Astrology can bring you valuable answers and interesting perspectives based on the

Irina Tracy Irina Tracy

Midheaven in Scorpio: Embrace Your Depth and Transformation

In astrology, we find many answers that can help us direct our

Irina Tracy Irina Tracy

Midheaven in Cancer: The Fine Line Between Your Career and Personal Life

All the elements in your astrological birth chart and horoscope are significant

Irina Tracy Irina Tracy