Itana Rakic

Itana has been a scholar of Astrology for more than half of her life. It’s not just a passion for her, but also a cosmic language that never stops teaching her about herself and the world around her. Growing up in an Occult household, Itana has been in touch with her inner magic since she was a child. Tarot cards were one of her favorite outlets for receiving cosmic messages and ancestral guidance. Then came the Runes; according to Itana, Runes are something you don’t choose, they choose you, and she feels honored that they’ve chosen her to be their interpreter for other mortals. Know more about her
3 Articles

The Magician Yes or No Tarot Readings: Love, Career, Finance

The Tarot is a powerful tool for making important inquiries and provides

Itana Rakic Itana Rakic

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning: Keys to Abundance

Upright MeaningNew venture, new job, fresh career start, new home, inheritance, financial security,

Itana Rakic Itana Rakic

5 Gemini Tarot Cards: Decoding the Twins’ Mystical Symbols

Gemini is one of the most complex signs of the Zodiac; it’s

Itana Rakic Itana Rakic