The key difference between the Law of Attraction and the Law of Assumption is the way they work.
The Law of Attraction is a Universal “like attracts like” principle to achieve goals in life.
Here, you focus on the end result.
You psychologically try to live in the future as if your goals have already been manifested.
On the other hand, the Law of Assumption teaches how to work on your feelings instead of wants to fulfill to attract abundance.
By changing your perception of the world, you can shift to a whole new internal consciousness to make things happen your way.
That’s not all. There are many key signature differences between these two laws regarding how they influence their believers.
But before drawing the line, let’s have a quick understanding of these laws in brief.
You may also be interested to know about the 12 Laws of the universe. Read all about it here.
What is the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is a new thought spiritual belief formulating that positive or negative thoughts bring positivity or negativity into a person’s life.
While the concept of the law was introduced in the early 19th century, further details came into the limelight in 1855 in the Great Harmonia Book written by Andrew Jackson Davis.
Rhonda Byrnes, the author of The Secret, modernized its aspects and used them as a basis for personal development and a way to understand and shape reality.
The basic working principle:
- Focus on end goals
- Take massive actions
- Attract abundance
What is the Law of Assumption
The Law of Assumption is a philosophy proposed by Neville Goddard that whatever you assume as true becomes your reality.
It is popularly regarded as a cornerstone of Goddard’s books and works on the principle that to change anything in your life; you must change your beliefs and assumptions.
Goddard’s teachings are centered around the fact that imagination is a fundamental aspect of our spiritual nature, and it holds the key to assessing the infinite creative power of the divine.
Creating an imaginary scene is considered the first step in coaxing the conscious mind to form new subconscious impressions.
The faster you impress your desires, the sooner it will become the truth and manifest in your life.
The basic working mechanism:
- Feel your dreams
- Change your perceptions
- Attract abundance
Key Differences Between the Law of Attraction and the Law of Assumption
Role of Affirmation
In simple language, affirmations are positive statements with respect to our goals to help us overcome our limiting self-beliefs.
It’s a critical element in the functioning of these laws but in unique ways.
In the Law of Attraction, affirmations are positive statements to express what you want in your life.
E.g., I have now bought my dream house, and I am grateful to the universe.
Law of Assumption affirmations are positive statements designed to align your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with reality.
E.g., I am now confident and capable of owning my dream house.
Control Over the Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind has the power to influence your future through your thoughts.
In the Law of Attraction, you bring your goals into your focus, which gives your subconscious mind the lead to align your energies with those of the end results.
The more you focus on your goals, the more momentum you build up to attract similar energies.
Conversely, in the Law of Assumption, you make your subconscious mind work on the perception of the end result to help you manifest your goals with ease.
By shifting your subconscious programming, you rewire the brain to your advantage and successfully get through past traumas and negative beliefs.
I hope you understand the key difference here.
I am Vs. The Universe
The Law of Attraction is consistent with the power of positive thinking.
It incorporates many biblical principles and emphasizes the role of God, which it refers to as ‘The Universe,’ in controlling and manipulating things and helping you to attract and focus.
The Law of Assumption states that there is no God, as there is nothing outside of you. It emphasizes that everything in the world, including God is a projection of your consciousness. There is no Universe or Higher Power.
Vibration of Goals vs. Vibration of Thoughts
Everything in the universe has its own signature vibration, including our dreams, thoughts, and actions.
As the Law of Attraction works on the ‘like attracts like’ principle, it teaches you to focus on the vibration of your end goals and align your actions accordingly to get desired results.
The Law of Assumptions states that by changing your perception of the world to higher vibrations, you can manifest your desires at a rapid pace.
The Law of Attraction stresses taking massive actions to match the vibration of the end goal.
But, in the Law of Assumptions, action is irrelevant. Here, shifting your consciousness to a higher vibration is the predominant requirement. The results will follow accordingly.
Free Will vs. No Free Will
The Law of Attraction maintains that everyone has free will, and we cannot use the Law of Attraction in conditions that interfere with the free will of others.
The Law of Assumption states that there is no free will, and the events you observe are people playing the roles you assigned.
End Thoughts
Both laws have their own way of shaping our reality. The Law of Attraction is all about “like attract like” stuff, while the Law of Assumption guides us on working our feelings to attract abundance.
However, both laws work in coherence with the basic principle of the universe – to believe in abundance in the first place. So, irrespective of which law you want to follow, you can rest assured of breaking out of your limited self-belief system to work in the land of opportunities for sure.