We all are born from the same stardust with the same fate and capability. However, exposure to uncertainty, financial limitations, perpetuating health issues, and lack of opportunities can divert a person from their ultimate destiny.
If you are familiar with ‘the law of attraction’ and ‘manifestation’, you would know how it helped thousands of people worldwide, overthrow their lives’ limitations, and achieve their true destiny.
The Manifestation Miracle course by Heather Matthews is an advanced and potent version of ‘the law of attraction’ and ‘manifestation’ that teaches you how to manipulate destiny to yield perpetuating happiness, success, and self-contentment.
The course introduces new findings and applications of a new law known as “destiny tuning”.
In this manifestation miracle review, we will explore what’s destiny tuning is, and how this course can help you manifest whatever you want in your file and for good.
What is Destiny Tuning?

According to the author, Destiny tuning is an art and approach to tuning and control the paths of our destiny through manifestation.
Basing its roots on the law of attraction, ‘destiny tuning’ focuses on people who are skilled and entirely dedicated to manifest to their full potential.
According to Heather Matthews (life coach & inspirational speaker), every step and decision we take is controlled and ruled by universal forces surrounding this earth.
Heather also explains the science behind these forces that have aligned many people to their goals. With proper mental reconditioning, we all will be able to perform destiny tuning and attain our demands.
The course can teach you how to achieve lifelong contentment, happiness, and success by realigning your destinies by mental reconditioning.
Now, most of you might wonder if the course really works or it’s a scam like other programs?
To answer your question, No, the Manifestation Miracle is not a scam. I have been following this course for 30 days, and I can say I have seen significant changes in my life.
The course doesn’t hold any shortcut or magic formula to conjure tangible objects from thin air.
It explains the invisible universal energy that guides us. It tells you how we can recondition our minds to communicate with that energy.
You can check out some of the manifestation miracle reviews below.

Check the reviews available in Manifestation Miracle Website- Manifestation Miracle™ Reviews and Discount (infomay.com)

The book not only covers an in-depth approach to the law of attraction but also addresses the reasons why most people fail while manifesting.
The author considers our ‘universal force’ as vibrations. Meaning, if you need to achieve your goal, then you have to align yourself with these vibrations. You have to learn how to raise your vibrations and converse with them.
This requires deep mental reconditioning. There is no place for luck or wish in this process.
What do you get in the Manifestation Miracle Course?
The manifestation miracle course includes a 162-page ebook, videos, audiobooks, virtual classes, and a user guide.
The whole package comes with a myriad of information explaining the undiscovered truth about manifestation, and the law of attraction with detailed explanations and real-life examples.
Most of the topics covered are about how to achieve love, relationships, happiness, peace, health, wealth, and prosperity.
Each video comprises a runtime of 20 minutes elaborating everything in lucid language. The course starts with explaining the simple topics, leading towards complex manifestation procedures.
If you are a beginner, then you can start from the beginning. Meanwhile, professionals and experienced individuals can simply dive into their required topics.
Who are the inventors of the Manifestation Miracle?
The Manifestation Miracle is discovered by two professionals named Heather Matthews and Mark Ling. Heather Matthews is a renowned consultant who has helped many people inhibit positive energy within themselves and lead a better life.

Mark Ling is a well-known entrepreneur and has a prominent presence in his field of work. He and Heather worked side by side perfecting this course in terms of program details, implementation, and compilation.
Transitioning from a struggling career to a successful life coach and inspirational speaker doesn’t come easy to Heather Matthews.
She is well versed in the law of attraction and all credit goes to her yearlong research and her incredible sense of self-belief.
She explained all the phases she has gone through to perfect her manifestation. She has always helped people to discard their bad phases in life and create a new one.
All you have to do is accurately follow the destiny tuning steps guided by Heather and realize how it gradually changes your life. Once you start reaping the benefits, you will soon realize that the manifestation miracle is not a scam.
Although, ‘manifestation’ is not a new topic, but the information presented by the author is something not to be missed.
What I liked most about Manifestation Miracle is that the author, Heather Matthews does not hold back any information.
The author not only tells you what to do but also explains the phenomenon and psychology behind each theory.
For instance, Heather explained the most popular topic “visualization”. If you know about the law of attraction, then you must know how most people could not perform “visualization” accurately.
She goes real deep in this topic to explain in detail why most visualization attempts fail. You will get a step-by-step process explaining how to implement visualization with flying colors.
How does the Manifestation Miracle course work?

Well, there is no easy way to wrap up such a vast plethora of knowledge in few sentences.
However, I have divided the Manifestation Miracle course into five parts to make it easier for you to understand.
The Manifestation Miracle Course teaches you:
1. How to use destiny tuning for success and happiness
While some consider success as vanity, Heather thinks differently. Success and happiness go hand in hand and it easier to lose your path if you lose one.
The goal of the course is to help you discover where your happiness lies. It helps you understand the true value of happiness and manifest success through swaying destiny towards you.
The book covers each critical aspect of Destiny Tuning, and how to use this power to achieve success in life. Heather has clearly explained the number of ways you can pursue your happiness and career objectives.
2. How to stay connected with your destiny
Author Heather Matthews considers destiny tuning as the final piece of the puzzle that completes a person.
Lack of motivation and constant failure in life can weaken our true spirit and push us away from our destiny further. Long-term suffering and trauma can also detach a person from their destiny.
The book teaches you how to find your lost destiny and stay connected to it forever. The book also states the negative factors that can cause hindrances between you and your success.
In short, the book erases all your negative energy, finds new energy, and helps you grow that positivity with time.
3. How to connect adapt ‘love’ and discard ‘fear’ in life?
Have you ever come across a person and wished to have their personality and confidence?
Successful and happy people are ruled by love. As a result, they exhibit a higher level of vibrations (432 HZ) that attracts Abundance, Money & Miracle.
Meanwhile, people with a negative state of mind are ruled by fear, thereby, exhibiting a lower amount of vibrations.
The book contains some of the best destiny-tuning techniques that can help you change your fear-driven mind toward positivity.
4. How to develop your positivity to achieve success?
In this chapter, you will learn how to converse your achieved positivity and enhance it further. Once you embrace ‘love’ by discarding ‘fear’ from your life, you will have to follow certain guidelines to attract more positive thoughts and inner peace. It will help you enhance your vibration levels to the highest degree.
5. How to materialize your ambitions and desires?
This chapter will help you introspect the meaning of your life by destiny tuning. There are lessons in this book that can help you open your mind and materialize your ambitions and desires by attaching them to the supreme force.
Things I liked about The Manifestation Miracle Course
1. Complete value for money
Manifestation Miracle course costs $47. It is available in several different formats like pdf, audiobooks, video tutorials, and many more.
I compare the manifestation miracle course with other programs. I found that most self-development programs were only available in pdf format, which is a major downside if you are not a fan of reading.
2. Very simple language
Heather tried her best not to confuse readers with unnecessary complex words. Each chapter, guide, and step were explained in a way that anyone could understand.
3. Additional tools and kits
The course comes with a package including some crucial tools and kits that can help you understand and practice the concept.
4. Great reviews
This miracle book got the most positive reviews across social media and other online platforms.
5. Money-back Guarantee
If you don’t like the course, then you can return it within 60 days and claim the full amount back.
6. Additional Bonus
1. Two free E-books – ‘complete guide for improving health’ and ‘How to maintain metabolism’.
2. 20 plus skills a millionaire should possess by Mark Ling
3. Love and happiness audio that helps people identify their soulmates and strengthen their existing relationships.
Things I don’t like about this course
- It takes time to see results.
- The first few pages cover only the basic topics. You can easily skip them.
Is manifestation miracle a scam?
If you believe in the law of attraction and manifestation, then the Manifestation Miracle will definitely work for you.
A significant amount of people have used it for years and all have claimed this product has helped them attain happiness, positivity, and motivation in their lives.
You can check out numerous manifestation miracle reviews by people all across the web that further proves the Manifestation Miracle is not a scam.
Manifestation Miracle Review Conclusion
“As is our confidence, so is our capacity”- William Hazlitt. Manifestation Miracle can only help you turn your dreams into reality if you are open-minded about harnessing confidence through discipline and training. Cheers!