Meta Description: The angel number 1717 stands for independence and new beginnings. But it may mean something completely different regarding money, career, and love life. Read to find out.
The 1717 angel number means independence and new beginnings. However, it could also mean a lot of other things. For instance, the number 1717 could be a sign from the universe to embark on your spiritual journey, meet your twin flame, or expect a big career change.
Use this blog as your guide to know what your guardian angels are trying to tell you through the 1717 angel number. I have also talked about five rituals that you can use to correctly interpret the secret message and take proactive action.
Let’s begin with the basic understanding of its symbolism in various cultures and rituals.
The symbolism of the 1717 angel number in various cultures and rituals
The number 1717 is perceived as a positive sign but with slightly different meanings as per Christianity, numerology, and spirituality.

The number 1 and 7 have a strong symbolism in Christianity.
Th number 1 represents the following traits of God:
- Might
- Status
- Dominance
It represents the sole view of the lord almighty.
As per Christianity, its frequent appearances indicate you must embrace your religion wholeheartedly and wait for a beautiful new beginning.
The number 7, on the other hand, represents the sign of completion and the start of something new. It’s the 7th day Jesus Christ took a break after creating the earth, which took him six days to complete.
However, the end here does not indicate a permanent nature. Because God started creating humanity on the eighth day. So, if you see 1717 during leisure after a big goal completion, understand that the universe doesn’t want you to get too comfy. Enjoy your break, but simultaneously prepare yourself for the next big challenge.
As per spirituality, seeing 1717 means you are on the verge of spiritual awakening, but you have to drop all emotional baggage behind. Currently, you’re way too much emotionally dependent on others. And that is holding you back from emerging out of your cocoon of limited self-believes. It’s time to trust yourself and ask the universe for further enlightenment to embark on your spiritual journey.

The number 1 is the first number in the numerological alphabet series, representing a new beginning.
This could apply to every facet of your life- career, relationships, or business.
The number seven denotes spiritual awakening.
Both numbers represent a common mental state- you have to be open and trust yourself to embrace the unique opportunity as it is.
But in the 1717 angel number, each number has been repeated twice.
Guess what?
You can expect a double scoop of ice cream for the price of one!
When the reparations are combined, the number 11 represents your subconscious mind and sensitivity. If you have been challenged by negative self-talk recently, you need to strengthen your mind, let go of fear and become receptive to the new change coming.
The number 77 signifies intense spiritual growth as it is connected with Jesus Christ. It is a sign that says to heal whatever is broken inside or around you. For instance, you may be facing a lover spat at the moment, which could be a sign for you to reconcile your differences and accept love properly.
Significance of the 1717 angel number in your love life

Now you know the number 1717 indicates new beginnings. That said, if you are single, it could mean you are about to meet your love very soon. Keep your love radar active to catch those “I am interested in you” eyes when you see them anytime soon.
Note: I just gave you an angle to it. You can still apply the core meaning to your situation, which might be completely different.
For instance, what if s/he could be someone you have known for a long time? Or, maybe you have a secret crush on someone but are too scared to be out about it. Well, now it’s time to do the needful!
Remember, 1717 represents “the end is the new beginning.”
If you are stuck in a toxic relationship, it could be a sign to move forward to make room for that ideal person in your life.
However, it could also mean a start of a new leaf in your love chapter, especially if you’re tired of a monotonous love life. Make time for a date, go for a movie night, have a meaningful conversation, and make each other happy.
Angel Number 1717 and Soulmate
If you believe in soulmates, seeing 1717 should excite you. You’re about to meet your soulmate very soon.
How can you know if s/he is your soulmate?
Do not worry. You will feel an instant recognition when you’ll see them. You two will be instantly drawn toward each other. Most importantly, being your soulmate will make you feel at home.
If you have already found your soulmate, 1717 is here to remind you of their worth in your life. There is no denying the fact that sometimes we take our loved ones for granted without realizing it. Seeing the number 1717 can be a sign of warning. It’s a message to show love and give attention to your soulmate. Most important, feel grateful for their presence in your life in every way possible. Sending these positive vibrations to the universe will reflect back with more good lucks for your relationship with your soulmate.
Twin Flame and Angel number 1717

Twin flames are one soul in two different bodies. You and your twin flame are destined to meet each other once (or many times) in a lifetime for higher purposes. But note that your twin flame doesn’t always have to be your lover or spouse. S/he could be your sibling, best friend, teacher, business partner, or anyone you feel a solid connection with.
Now, seeing 1717 could hold a message regarding twin flame reunion or twin flame separation.
Twin flame reunion
This is the phase when you and your twin flame reunite on the earth for the first time. If you still haven’t met your twin flame, the 1717 angel number could be a sign that your twin flame is nearby. It’s time for a new beginning in your life with your twin flame.
But, if you have already met your twin flame and are going through a separation, it could mean the twin flame reunion is right around the corner. It’s time to ease dependency and be more self-dependent. If you were wrong the last time, it is no shame to apologize and offer your twin flame your full love and support.
Twin flame separation
Seeing 1717 could indicate a twin flame separation. However, twin flames are eternally bound to each other, and their separation is only momentary. This means you don’t have to get all panicky. The separation helps you work on your differences and build more respect for each other.
Rituals to manifest with 1717 angel numbers
The angel number 1717 could hold an important message regarding other challenges in your life that have not been mentioned here. When I get into the same confusion, I use these five rituals to interpret the secret message and take proactive action.
Write down on paper
The correct interpretation of any angel number calls for your current thoughts when they appear. But, our inner chatters are highly volatile. That’s why I always keep a notepad and pen close to me. You can do the same.
Whenever you see 1717, jolt down your current mood and inner chatter. Note the date and time if you think that could also be important for analyzing any pattern.
When free, trace the pen over the angel number, recalling the favorable outcomes against the concern mentioned on the note. For example, if you came across 1717 earlier while overthinking your work, trace over 1717 with a win over that situation.

Write the number on your wrist.
This is useful when you realize 1717 is urging you to always keep your end goal in mind to optimize your workflow and eliminate distractions.
You can write 1717 on your wrist to remind you of your goal constantly. Write the number on your dominant wrist if you intend to send energy to the universe (being independent). Otherwise, ink the non-dominant wrist if you want to receive help (seeking the universe’s guidance for a new beginning).
Chant affirmations related to 1717
If the secret message is to train your mindset with positive thoughts, you better convert them to personalized affirmations.
Take some time and create a list of personalized affirmations based on your interpretation.
Take one chant and repeat it 17 times in the morning and before you go to bed to complete the 1717 circle.
Your guardian angels are always there to protect you. Understanding their secret message through the exact interpretation of 1717 could make you happy or help you correct your mistakes in advance. Always listen to your inner voice for the correct interpretation. If the negative inner chatter is too much, meditate over the angel number and seek further guidance from your guardian angels. You will find your answers within.
Do twin flames see the same numbers?
If you and your twin flame are meant to receive the same message from the universe, you may see 1717 during the same period. But that does not have to be at the same time. Instead, what really matters is how fast you act on the advice with your full trust in the universe.
What does 1717 mean in career and money?
If you’re going through a tough time in your career, 1717 represents good times in the near future. It could mean a big promotion, a new job opportunity, or a possible transition to a new profession. If you’re worried about money management, you are about to receive help from the right person.
How can I use 1717 with the Law of Attraction?
If you see 1717 continuously for a few days during your manifestation journey, prepare yourself to intensify your manifestation process further. Play more with your vision boards, make your imaginations more vivid, and deepen your prayers. It’s almost time to receive what you have been aiming for all this time.
What does it mean to see 1717 during pregnancy?
If you’re trying to conceive a child lately, keep a positive mindset about the upcoming challenges. If you are already pregnant, your guardian angels are now watching over you and your baby. Take time to acknowledge the blessing and show gratitude to your guardian angels and the universe.
What is the meaning of the 17:17 mirror hour?
If you’re having a bad time and seeking guidance from the universe, seeing 17:17 on the clock reminds you of your true potential over limiting self-believes. The clock is just a metaphor for your good times that are under manifestation powered by your hard work and strong belief in the universe.